Diverse work shapes the labour market

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What is platform economy, how does it relate to me and my work? This is the wonderment of many employees and experts with high education. The platform economy is already here and undoubtedly becomes more and more common in the future work. In a big picture, the platform economy is a part of broader work … Continued

Ideal manager and expertise are built in images and media texts

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My dissertation analyzes constructions of an ideal gendered manager and employee in a mediated cultural setting. Our contemporary culture is mediated in many ways: Media is strongly embedded in our lives and has a possibility to select what issues become visible and how those issues are represented. In that way, media shapes our understandings of … Continued

Better cooperation and more results with good leadership

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I have been pondering for a long time why cooperation in Finnish workplaces is not as good as it should be. Is it because of Finnish mentality, backwardness of the culture of debate, hierarchical leadership, inability to share responsibility and make decision together, a loss of trust, unworkable legislation – or what? The surveys to … Continued

The importance of sleep is essential for experts

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In the research project funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund, we studied the working times of expert work and their link with work and well-being. Please review the project report (in Finnish) by clicking here. In short, we invited the members of Finnish Business School Graduates and employees of one IT company to participate … Continued

Performance management helps with the lack of commercialization of research

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In addition to their tasks of providing education and research, universities are an important source for renewal in our society. Therefore, universities have a explicit mandate to support “the quality of research and innovation and the overall operation of the innovation system […] in a way that supports turning high quality skills into profitable business, … Continued

Give, and you will receive

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The third mentorship programme of Perheyritysten liitto (Family Business Union) begun this autumn. The room was full of enthusiastic faces and expectant was floating in the air. People unknown to each other started a common journey by getting to know each other using photo cards: Who are you and from which company you come from? … Continued

About discourse of change and a few movies

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The digitalisation of work is a hot topic of the moment in research. Both in WORK2017 Conference (held in Turku 16 – 18 August 2017) and partly in Working Life Conference (held in Tampere 2 – 3 November 2017), the digitalisation of labour was the main theme of the discussions. In my opinion, the examples, … Continued

The magic and logic of the platform economy

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In Mark Twain’s classic stories about Tom Sawyer’s adventures (1876-1896) there is an episode in which our teenage hero has been employed to paint a long wooden fence. For Tom, the task is terribly boring and takes a heavy toll; on such a beautiful summers day he’d much rather go fishing. Soon however, a crowd … Continued