Upworkers in Finland report is published

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The Upworkers in Finland report, which was implemented as part of the SWiPE research project, has been published. Upwork is the largest digital platform for virtual human work in the world. In Finland, the transmission of work on digital platforms is still remote and part-time. In particular, the Upwork-users appreciate the independence of work.

The Upworkers in Finland study has examined the Finns working on the Upworker platform. In Finland, especially the work of translators, designers and IT professionals is transmitted on the Upwork platform. Most of the workers who offer their work on the Upwork platform are under 30 years old and have at least a college level education. It is typical that people working on the Upwork platform are freelancers rather than employees in permanent employment. Typically, people who work on platforms are living in the metropolitan area or in other urban areas. Entrepreneurial spirituality also describes Upwork employees.

Based on the study, the platform work is motivated by the autonomy and flexibility it provides. The Upwork platform is not a significant source of income for respondents of the survey, but rather provides an opportunity for extra income.

– The digital labour market is still small, but a growing part of the Finnish labour market, says Petri Rouvinen, managing director of Etlatieto, who is also the director of the SWiPE subproject.

The virtual labour market also allows for “virtual migration” when work can be done from anywhere and jobs can be changed according to will.

The report is based on a survey among the Upwork employees, which took place in December 2017.

Read Upworkers in Finland report (in English)
Watch also the presentation of Petri Rouvinen shown in the Upworkers in Finland -report’s release event (in Finnish)
Read Etla’s press release about the release event of the Upworkers in Finland -report (in Finnish)

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