Data does not run out in use, say Petri Rouvinen and Heli Koski in Etla’s new book

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Etla has published a new book Finnish Economic Growth which is edited by professor Seppo Honkapohja and secretary of state Vesa Vihriälä. The book contains a separate chapter Datamarkkinat ja digitaaliset alustat (Data markets and digital platforms) in which SWiPE researcher Petri Rouvinen and Etla’s researcher Heli Koski analyse the specific characteristics and role of the data as … Continued

SWiPE Policy Brief: Safety, health and wellbeing at work must be secured in platform work

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SWiPE researchers Laura Seppänen and Annina Ropponen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health have prepared policy recommendations for work safety, occupational health and employment in platform work as a part of the research results of SWiPE research project. The recommendations are directed at labour and employers’ organisations, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment … Continued

Policy brief for the development of employment conditions for immigrants published by the programmes of Strategic Research Council

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The research programmes of the Strategic Research Council, Osaavat työntekijät – menestyvät työmarkkinat, Terveys, hyvinvointi ja elämäntavat, Tasa-arvoinen yhteiskunta ja Turvallisuus verkottuneessa maailmassa (Skilled employees – successful labour market, Health, welfare and lifestyles, Equal society and Security in the networked world) and the seven different research projects within them have published common policy recommendations Maahanmuuttaja … Continued

“Ratkaisuja tieteestä” event provided a forum for solution-oriented social discussion

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The Strategic Research Council’s third “Ratkaisuja tieteestä” event brought together stakeholders, decision-makers, researchers and other influencers from various Strategic Council research projects to hear about and discuss on topical societal issues at the Finlandia Hall on 14th of February. In this year’s event, attention was paid, in particular, to the highlighting of dialogue and different … Continued

Changes in personnel in SWiPE consortium

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SWiPE research consortium’s personnel has undergone some changes during last year and the beginning of this year. New researchers have started in the project and changes have taken place in the management of the Etla sub-project. Petri Rouvinen, the leader of SWiPE sub project and the CEO and research director of Etlatieto, has been appointed … Continued

SWiPE researchers discuss about platform work in the latest Workcast-podcast

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SWiPE researchers Seppo Poutanen, Petri Rouvinen and Laura Seppänen discuss in the latest Workcast-podcast on platform work that crosses through many of the SWiPE consortium’s research themes. Marco Torregrossa, Workforce and Labour Market’s Advisor and a consultant for the European platform workers and freelancers, was the “Arjen ääni” (voice of working days) of the Workcast. … Continued

Mervi Hasu’s research group received funding from the Research Council of Norway

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SWiPE researcher Mervi Hasu, who is currently working as an associate professor at the University of Oslo, and her research group have received funding from the Research Council of Norway to the Changing competence requirements in public services: Consequences of digitization in general and highly specialized work research project. The project explores the effects of digitalisation … Continued

SWiPE Newsletter has been published

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The first SWiPE research consortium newsletter of 2019 has been published! The newsletter deals with research results of platform economy and platform work, as well as several SWiPE activities happening in the spring and next summer. The newsletter also presents thoughts of labour market leaders Jarkko Eloranta from The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions, … Continued

Listen now! The latest Workcast discusses the employment and entrepreneurship of immigrants

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Satu Aaltonen, project research from SWiPE, and Anu Yijälä, project manager from Polkuja työhön project, discuss in this week’s Workcast about how immigrants coming to Finland can be included into working life, how they become entrepreneurs and what guidance they need for their employment and entrepreneurship paths. In the “Arjen ääni” (voice of working days) … Continued